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1) Discuss importance of fruit and plantation crops in India.


  1. Rich source of minerals & vitamins (protective food) 
  2. More yield than agronomical crop in unit area 
  3. More energy in less area (0.6 ha Wheat = 0.02 Ha Mango) 
  4. Full utilization of land , water & labour round the year 
  5. Can be grown in rainfed condition (87% in Maharashtra) 
  6. Financial stability to farmers (continuous flow of money) 
  7. Ability of earning foreign exchange
  8. Mixed, multi-storey, intercropping, crop diversification Raw material to various industries
  9. Employment generation
  10. Fruit crops maintain ecological balance
  11. Fruit trees helps to reduce soil erosion
  12. Fruit trees reduces family budget

2) Write cultivation of Mango on the following points. 

a) Soil and climate  b) Propagation and planting 

c) Manuring and Irrigation  d) Harvesting and yield 

a) Soil and climate: 

Soil: Lateritic, Alluvial, Sand loam & sand, slightly acidic and well drained, one meter in depth, rich in organic matter, pH 7.5. 

Climate: Tropical and sub-tropical crop, Temp. 24-27 °C and in summer 45 °C average rainfall 750-1000mm.

b) Propagation and planting: Soft wood, stone & approach grafting. Planting in high rainfall area at the end of monsoon and low rainfall area it to be done in early part of the monsoon planted at the spacing of 10 x 10 m and in close planting it is to be done at 5x5 m.

c) Manuring and Irrigation: 

1st year of planting the manures and fertilizer should be given as 10 kg FYM, 150 gm N, 150 gm POs and 100 gm K20per plant. This increased up to 9 years and 10 years and above 100 kg FYM, 1.5 kg N, 1.5 kg P205 and 1 kg K20 in the form of SOP/Plant. It is given in two split doses one June - July and Second in Oct. Irrigation in winter 6-7 days interval, in summer 2-3 days interval for young plants. For full grown trees 14-15 days interval in winter and 10-12 days interval in summer.

 d) Harvesting and yield 

When colour of fruit change green to yellowish and one or two ripe fruits fall from the plant naturally then it should be harvested with help of mango harvester. Yield varies from 300 to 1000 fruits per plant. 5 to 15 t/ha.

3) Write cultivation of Banana on the following points. 

a) Soil and climate b) Improved varieties c) Propagation and planting d) Harvesting and yield 

a) Soil and climate:

 All most all types of soil. Banana is a heavy feeder crop. Therefore, fertility of soil is very important. Rich, well drained, fertile, free working soils with plenty of organic matter are best suited for cultivation. The optimum range of pH of soil should be 6 to 8. Climate: Being a tropical crop, banana requires warm, humid and rainy climate. The optimum temperature range is 10 to 40"C and the relative humidity is 90% or above. It is highly susceptible to frost and cannot tolerate arid conditions. Strong desiccating winds cause considerable reduction in the growth of the plant and yield and quality of fruits.[MSIL to 1200 m]

ii. Varieties: 

Following are the major banana varieties grown in India 

Poovan: It is the most important commercial variety in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. It is also known as Lal velchi in Maharashtra. It is resistant to Panama wilt, 

Dwarf Cavendish or Basarai: It is a dwarf variety. It is resistant to Panama disease. It is a high yielding variety with fruits large and of good quality. Robusta or Harisal: Fruit colour remains green when ripe. It is best variety for the export purpose.

Rasthali or Mutheli: It is a good variety but susceptible to Panama disease Rajeli or Nendran, Sonakela, Safed Velchi.

i. Propagation & planting:

  • Sucker- Daughter plant 
  • Water sucker with large leaves (yield early, low yield)
  • Sword sucker with thin leaves (yield late, bunches large & heavy yield )
  • Sword suckers along with the bulbous base from parent rhizome - Ideal
  • Sword sucker below 3ft height, 3 to 4 months age & minimum weight 500-800 g.
  • Commercially kept for 3 years

Tissue Culture

  • Disease free planting material
  • Uniform flowering & fruiting
  • Early, high & quality yields

Planting: Planting is done by two methods viz. Pit method and furrow method. Planting is done from February to May whereas in North India, it is done during July-August. In South India, it can be done any time of year except summer. Tall varieties should be planted at 3 x3 m where as dwarf ones at 2 x 2 m apart.(Pit size lxlx1 ft)

iv.Harvesting and yield:

Harvesting of banana is done 12 to 15 months after planting in dwarf and 15 to 18 months after planting in tall varieties. Signs of maturity of banana fruits are, fruit becomes plumpy and angles are filled in completely, when tapped gives metallic soúnd, drying off of top leaves and change in colour of fruits from deep green to light green. Tall varieties like Poovan yield 15-25 tones/ha, while Dwarf Cavendish yield 25-50 tones/ha. It can be stored at temperature slightly above 55°F and relative humidity of about 85-95% for about three weeks.

4) Discuss different physiological disorders and their control.

Fruit drop: In spite of very high initial flowering and fruiting in mandarins, the ultimate yield is often low primarily owing to heavy fruit drop. However, all fruits that fail to mature do not drop at one time but at different times. There are more or less definite periods or stages when extensive dropping occurs. In mandarins, the shedding of flowers and fruits come in more or less in 3 distinct waves. The first wave occurs soon after fruit setting, second during May-June known as June drop and third one known as pre-harvest drop, i.e. the drop of mature fruits before harvesting. Fluctuating temperature, low atmospheric humidity, imbalance of soil moisture, lack of proper nutrition, hormonal imbalance, incidence of insect-pests and diseases are some factors causing fruit drop. Accordingly, maintenance of appropriate soil moisture level during fruit development and application of growth regulators 2, 4-D (10ppm), NAA (5ppm), 2, 4, 5-T (5ppm) check fruit drop quite effectively. Further, application of Aureofungin @ 20 ppm helps in better retention of fruits through control of fungal diseases.

Granulation: It is a physiological disorder of juice sacs of citrus including mandarins wherein they become comparatively hard, assume a greyish colour and become somewhat enlarged. The concentration of pectic substances increases, whereas there is reduction in juice content, TSS and acid content. Because of low sugar and acid content, the granulated vesicles become rather tasteless and colourless. Young, vigourous trees are more likely to develop granulated fruits than older ones. Similarly, large fruits have more granulation than small ones. In addition, granulation increases as the picking season advances. The incidence of granulation is highly specific to the type of the mandarin being cultivated. It is favoured by high relative humidity and temperature during spring. Spraying of lime reduces the extent of granulation. Reduction in irrigation also lessens its incidence. The applications of 2, 4-D (12ppm), zinc and copper reduces the incidence of granulation considerably.

Decline: After fruitful production for about 15 years, mandarin orchards start bearing little crop and become uneconomical. They show symptoms of ill health and decline. The affected trees do not die completely but remain in state of decadence and unproductiveness for a number of years. Initially, only a few limbs of the plants are involved but later whole tree is affected. Plants show sparse foliage, stunted growth, sickly appearance and in leaves, mid-rib, lateral veins and inter-veinal area show diffused yellow colour leading to ultimate shedding of leaves. As a result of dieback, twigs become short and bear only a few narrow leaves at their basal ends. Such plants are also characterized through excessive flowering and very poor fruit set. Unfavourable soil conditions (presence of hard pan, high pH, poor drainage and high salts), malnutrition, poor orchard management, indiscriminate use of fertilizers, intercropping, incidence of insect-pests and diseases are major factors contributing to it.
Good cultural practices, improvement in soil fertility and drainage, control of insect-pests, nematodes and diseases may be useful to minimize its incidence. Use of resistant and compatible rootstocks and certified bud wood for propagation are strongly recommended for a healthy and productive mandarin orchard.

5) Write in detail cultivation of Coconut on the following points. a) Soil and climate b) Propagation and Selection of seedling c) Improved varieties d) Harvesting and yield 

1. Soil & climate: 
Lateratic, Lateratic red, sandy, alluvial sandy, alluvial coastal, black soils are good for its cultivation pH 4.5-6.8 Coconut is humid tropical plantation crop, mean annual temp. 27C,Rainfall-well distributed 800-2500 mm/year, Altitude-Sea level to 600m from mean sea level. Humidity 80-90%, Sunshine-Open situation.

2. Propagation & Selection of seedling: 
Coconut is commercially propagated by seed nut. Selection of seedlings for planting : 
1) Early germination 
2) Broad and dark green leaves 
3) Early splitting of leaves 
4) Short and broad leaf stalk 
5) Straight and short stem
6) Good girth at collar 
7) Tendency to produce large no. Of roots.

3. Improved varieties: 
Pratap, TxD, Banawali green round, TxD (Kera sankara), Chandrakalpa (LO), Philipines ordinary, DxT, DxT-2.

4. Harvesting and yield: 
Harvesting is done by climbing on individual palm. Nuts are
harvested after 11-12 months for dry copra 5-7 months for tender coconut & water & 9-
11 months for mature nuts and fresh copra. Yield 100-150 nuts/tree/year.

6) Write in detail cultivation of Cashewnut on the following points. a) Soil and climate b) Propagation and planting c) Improved varieties d) Harvesting and yield 

1. Soil & climate: 
Cashew is raised on laterites, red soils and coastal sands. In the East coast it is grown on porous and poor sandy soils. In the west coast it is grown on laterites. Sandy loam soils having 3 meter depth are ideal for cashew nut cultivation. The crop cannot stand water logging but can stand drought. It requires a pH of 6 to 7.5. It is a hardy tropical plant. It grows between 28° N and South latitudes. It grows to 1000 m elevation. It is profitable up to 600 m. It requires a well distributed annual rainfall of around 500 mm. It can stand 300 to 400 mm. Rainfall should spread over 5-7 months with 3-4 months of dry period before flowering. It requires 15 to 40 C temperature. Mean annual temperature should not be less than 20 °C. It is sensitive to cold. If relative humidity is less than 10%, leaves scorched and fruits drop. Excess humidity favour incidence of pests and diseases. Proximity to sea is favourable (160 km)

2. Propagation & Planting:
 It is propagated by seed and by vegetative means. It is used to collect seed from high yielders. Elite mother tree should have the following characters 
1. Compact canopy. 
2. Dwarf trees with intensive branching 60% or more productive
shoots per unit area. 
3. Short flowering phase (2-3 weeks). 
4. More than 20% bisexual flowers. 
5. 5-8 fruits per panicle. 
6. Medium nuts with 5-6 grams average nut weight (120 to 130 nuts per kg) 
7. Regular bearing habit.

Vegetative propagation: Methods like air layering, patch budding, veneer grafting, side grafting,6picotyls grafting, soft wood grafting were found to be successful. However, soft wood grafting has become more suitable and commercial method of propagation of cashewnut. Pit size: 50 cm3. Pits at 8-10 meter spacing are dug during April May and are refilled with top soil mixed with 25 kg FYM. Planting is to be done during July August. Plant one year old graft. Provide water and support.

3. Improved varieties: 
Maharashtra - Vengurla 1 to 9, 
Tamilnadu- Vridhachalam 1 and 2, 
Andra Pradesh- BPP 1 to 9, 
Kamataka -Ullal 1 and 2, 
Kerala - Anakkayam 1, BLA 39-4, K22 -1,

4. Harvesting and yield: 
Harvesting commence from February on west, April on East coast. Fallen fruits are gathered. In Goa, fruits are plucked from the tree for preparation of a liquor called Feni. After gathering fruits, nuts are to be separated from apples. Nuts sun dried for 2 to 3 days, stored in gunny bags nuts should not be dried for more than four days, since they become brittle and break during processing and cause damage to the kernels. Yield depends on strain, soil, rainfall, sex ratio, fruit set and management. Individual tree yields vary particularly in seedling progenies. Highest yields are obtained in Kerala. Yield at 15 years age is 1.5 tonn/ha. 

7) Describe cultivation of Grapes with respect to following points. a) Propagation and rootstocks b) Training and pruning c) Varieties d) Harvesting and yield

i. Propagation-
Grapevine is most commonly propagated by hard-wood cuttings, though propagation by seed soft wood cutting, layering, grafting and budding is specific to certain situations. Occasionally, unrooted cuttings are also planted directly in the field in the pre-determined position for a vine. For hardwood cuttings, IBA, 1000 ppm treatment is useful for early, better and uniform rooting of cutting For grafting Dogridge, Ramsey, 1616, 1613,1 103P, So4, etc. are used. Sometimes the rootstocks are planted in the field and there they are grafted with suitable varieties.

ii. Pruning and training: 
The vines are trained on a suitable trellis i.e. "T", 'Y', H' or bower and regularly pruned twice in a year. First annual pruning is done during the month of April to get the new vegetative growth while second pruning to get the crop is done during the month of October. While doing April pruning 0 to 2 buds on arm are kept while doing October pruning 5 to 10 buds on fruiting cane are kept. Use ofHCN is done to have early, uniform and higher sprouting particularly after winter pruning is made.

iii. Varieties
Table purpose seeded varieties -Cardinal, concord Emperor, Italia, Anab-e-shahi, Cheema sahebi, Kalisahebi, Rao Sahebi,
Seedless varieties - Thompson seedless, flame seedless, kishmish chorni, perlette, Arkavati.
Raisin purpose varieties- Thompson seedless, manik chaman, sonaka, Black corinth,
Black monukka, Arkavati, Dattier
Wine varieties - Chardonnay, Cabernet Saurignnon, Bangalore Blue, Muscat, Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blane, White Riesling, and Merlot.

iv. Harvesting and yields: 
Normal grape harvest season starts in February and continuous up to end of April. Well matured bunches having at least 18° Brix are harvested. Av. yields - For seedless varieties - 20 to 30 t/ha/y. For seeded varieties - 40 to 50 t/ha/year. 

8) Write about cultivation of Guava with respect to the following points. a) Planting b) Varieties c) Nutrition d) Harvesting and yield

i. Planting
Land is prepared during the summer season by ploughing, harrowing, levelling and removing weeds.
Square system of planting is generally adopted. Pits of 1xlxlm size are dug before the monsoon and filled with a mixture of farmyard manure and soil. (10 kg FYM + 1.5 Kg SSP+ 100 g Carbaryl) Planting is done during the rainy season. June-July is the ideal time for planting the layers and seedling. Staking is done with bamboo sticks. Standard spacing is 6 mx6 m (278 plants/Ha).

ii. Nutrition
During Planting: For quick and better growth 25-30 g N
1 year: 20 to 30 kg FYM+125 gN: 50 g K& P
4 years onwards: 100 kg FYM, 600:300:300 g
FYM,N, P & K during Bahar &%N after flowers
Never receive manure in practical, but never suffers from excessive manuring.
Also not suffers from consequent vegetative growth as fruit bear on new growth only Zn deficiency is observed in water logged area, area between veins develop yellow patches, leaves become small and bearing reduced.

iii. Varieties 
L-49, Allahabad Safeda, Lucknow Safeda, Apple Colour, Chittidar, Red
Fleshed, Allahabad Surkha, Sardar, Mirzapuri Seedless, CISH-G-1, CISH-G-2, CISH-G-3

iv. Harvesting and Yield -
The plants start bearing at an early age of 2-3 years but they attain full bearing capacity at the age of 8-10 years. The yield of a plant depends on its age, cropping pattern and the cultural practices. A 10 year old plant yields about 100 to 150 kg offruits every year. If both rainy and winter season crops are taken, more yields may be obtained in the rainy season. Peak harvesting periods in north India are August for rainy season crop, November- December for winter season crop and March-April for spring season crop. Guava fruits develop best flavour and aroma only when they ripen on tree.  

The stage of fruit ripeness is indicated by the colour development which is usually yellow. For local markets, fully yellow but firm fruits are harvested, whereas halfyellow fruits are picked for distant markets. Fruits are harvested selectively by hand along with the stalk and leaves. The guava yield ranges from 10 to 11.25 t/ha.

9) Enlist & explain different Special Horticultural Practices

1) Pruning 
2) Root pruning
3) Ringing
4) Girdling.
5) Notching
6) Bending 
7) Smudging

This are the some of the specilized horticultural practices followed for regulation of fruiting.

Ringing & Girdling :-
Ringing consists of removing a ding of bask about 1-2 cm. wide around the trunk of branches, while girding is a milder treatment to draw a knife around the branch so as to cut through the bark but not the wood.

  1. Ringing girdling will increases the concentration of carbohydrates above the wing.
  2. It also reduce the nitrogen supply because subsequent to stopping of food to the roots
  3. No more root growth, no nitrogen supplies the result will be wide C:N ratio and then flowering increase
  4. Ringing is a drastic operation when fruits trees fail to set fruits
  5. Ringing is done in vigrous mango tree.
 It is similar to the ringing except that in notching only soil slip bark about 0.2-0.5 cm thick & 1.5-2.5 cm in length is removed just above or close to dormant bud.
The bud should be selected large, plampy healthy which is produced as a perfect mature wood has undergone dormancy.

Generally 3-4 buds in the middle portion of the selected shoot are best to operate on responded to notching. Season for notching August- september.

10) Write in short cultivation of Arecanut on the following points. a) Soil and climate b) Varieties c) Harvesting d) Processing and uses

a) Soil and climate
  • Deep well drained soil are suitable 
  • Latesites & red loams & alluvial soils are preferable.
  • Does not stand water stagnation.
  • Drainage is more important in high rainfall areas
  • climatic condition 
  • A topical plant. 
  • It requires well distributed rainfall.
  • Cultivated mainly from 280 N & S latitudes.
  • Require moist climate.
  • Optimum temp. 15-38°C.
 Mangala, sumangla, sreemangla, Sreevardhan, kabikuch.

c) Harvesting

11) Write in detail cultivation of Papaya on the following points. a) Soil and climate b) Propagation and Selection of seedling d) Harvesting and yield c) Improved varieties

a) Soil and climate:
  • It requires a soil of high fertility & good drainage soil due to papaya is evergreen plant. 
  • Papaya has shalloo soot system & can even be grown in soil having 45 cm depth.
  • Papaya can be grown on wide range of soil
  • PH required range is 6.5-70.
  • climate
  • It required worm humid climate & cultivated upto elevation of about 1000-1200 m. 
  • optimum temperature 38-44°c. 
  • Temperature below 10°c retards the process of maturity & ripening of fruits.
b) Propagation and Selection of seedling:
Papaya is propagated by seed. vegetative propagation is not possible due to hallow & fragile nature of stem.

c) Improved varieties
Washington, Co-1, Co-2 , Pusa Majesty. Pusa Dwarf, Pusa Giant, Pusa Delicious, Pusa Nanha.

d) Harvesting and yield
After transplanting the trees will flower about 6 months later and the fruits will mature in about 4-5 months. Normally a yield of 100 fruits per tree can be expected. The fruits can be harvested for about 1
/2 to 2 years after which they can be topped to produce secondary branches for more fruits. The yield of papaya is very variable depending mainly on variety, soil and climate, plant density and crop management. The fruits are harvested when they are of full size, light green with yellow tinge at epical end. On ripening certain varieties turn yellow while some varieties remain green. The latex of the fruit becomes almost watery. The individual fruits are harvested by giving a slight twist with he hand or by using a sharp knife. Fruits for local market can be harvested when they are halfripe. Fruits are not allowed to fall on the ground or come in contact with soil while plucking. On an average, yield of 40-55 tonnes/ha may be expected in a season from an orchard of papaya with well crop management. Harvested fruits are packed for export in a single layer in corrugated fibre board cartons lined with low density polyethylene film, storage period of mature fruits is 3 weeks at 10°C

12) Write short notes. 

a) High density planting:
High density planting means to increase the plant population per unit area called as high density planting. The benefits of high density planting are it helps to increase the yield per unit area, to harvest export quality fruits, it helps for maintenance of the fruit crops with minimum cost. This concept now becoming popular amongst the fruit growers. But the life span of the fruit crops are reduces as compared to traditional system of planting as well as high density crops requires regular pruning to maintain the canopy of fruit. E.g. Mango regular spacing 10 x 10 m, high density spacing 5x5m

b) Propping and wrapping in banana.
It is an essential cultural practice to give proper support to the banana plants with bamboos. It is done to avoid falling down of plants due to high winds.
Wrapping: To protect banana fruits from sunburn, hot wind and dust the bunch is covered with polythene sheet or gunny bag. Wrapping is also done to improve the colour of the fruit. 

c) Varieties of apple
Apple varieties fall into two categories; diploids and triploids. Diploids have plenty of good pollen and are self-fruitful. Triploids are self unfruitful and become productive only when pollinated by using suitable pollenizer varieties. Even self-fruitful varieties have to be interplanted to get commercial crops through cross-pollination. Varieties selected for interplanting should sufficiently overlap
in their blossoming periods. Important varieties are listed below; 
Himachal Pradesh: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Worester Pearmain, Newton Wonder (all diploids) Cox's Orange Pippin (triploid), King of Pippins (No. 13), Starking (Royal) Delicious and Richard.
Kashmir valley: Red Delicious, Baldwin (triploids), Ambri Kashmiri, White Dotted Red
and Blood Red.
Simla hills: Beauty of Bath (triploid), Red Delicious, Jonathan, Rome Beauty (all diploids), Early Shanburry, Red Astrachan, Red Sudeley, Stayman Winesap, Winter Banana and Yellow Newton.

d) Maturity indices, harvesting and yield of papaya
After transplanting the trees will flower about 6 months later and the fruits will mature in about 4-5 months. Normally a yield of 100 fruits per tree can be expected. The fruits can be harvested for about 1
/2 to 2 years after which they can be topped to produce secondary branches for more fruits. The yield of papaya is very variable depending mainly on variety, soil and climate, plant density and crop management. The fruits are harvested when they are of full size, light green with yellow tinge at epical end. On ripening certain varieties turn yellow while some varieties remain green. The latex of the fruit becomes almost watery. The individual fruits are harvested by giving a slight twist with he hand or by using a sharp knife. Fruits for local market can be harvested when they are halfripe. Fruits are not allowed to fall on the ground or come in contact with soil while plucking. On an average, yield of 40-55 tonnes/ha may be expected in a season from an orchard of papaya with well crop management. Harvested fruits are packed for export in a single layer in corrugated fibre board cartons lined with low density polyethylene film, storage period of mature fruits is 3 weeks at 10°C

e) Important varieties of Arecanut

Mangala, Sumangala, Sree Mangala, Mohitnagar etc.
Sriwardhini - Dr. B.S.K.K.V. Dapoli fruits large, more white portion yield 2 kg/tree
(dehusked nuts)

f) Processing of Coffee

The processing of coffee is a crucial step in transforming raw coffee cherries into the flavorful and 
aromatic beverage enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It involves several stages that vary 
depending on the desired final product and regional traditions. Here is a brief overview of the typical 
processing methods:

1) Harvesting:
 Coffee cherries are selectively hand-picked when they are ripe and have reached their optimum flavor. Alternatively, mechanical harvesters can be used for large-scale 

2) Sorting and Cleaning: 
The harvested cherries are sorted to remove any damaged or unripe fruits.They are then thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any debris or impurities.

3) Depulping: 
The outer skin and pulp of the cherries are removed through a process called depulping. This can be done using various methods, such as mechanical pulping machines or fermentation tanks.

4) Fermentation: 
Some processing methods involve fermentation, where the depulped cherries are placed in water tanks or fermentation tanks for a certain period. This fermentation stage helps to break down the remaining fruity mucilage layer and enhance the coffee's flavors.

5) Washing
After fermentation, the coffee beans are thoroughly washed to remove any remaining mucilage or impurities. This step is crucial to ensure the cleanliness of the beans.

6) Drying: 
The washed coffee beans are spread out to dry. This can be done using sun drying methods, where the beans are placed on patios or raised beds under the sun, or mechanical dryers for more controlled and faster drying.

7) Milling: 
Once the beans are dried, they go through the milling process to remove the parchment layer, which is the final protective layer surrounding the bean. The beans are then sorted and graded based on their size, color, and quality.

8) Roasting: 
The final stage is roasting, where the green coffee beans are roasted to develop their distinct flavors and aromas. The roasting process is carefully monitored to achieve the desired level of roast, ranging from light to dark, which greatly influences the coffee's taste.

g) Processing of Cashewnut.

1. Roasting:
It is done for easy shelling to loosen kernel inside. Different methods of roasting are

i) Open pan method: perforated open pan is used for roasting the nuts. The nuts will catch fire after some time. Water is sprinkled and nuts are thrown to ground and covered with soil. In this method CNSL is not recoverable.

ii) Drum roasting method: Rotating metal drum is heated from below. Nuts catch
fire within 3 to 5 minutes. A temperature of 100 to 120 °C is always maintained inside the drum. Burning nuts are released at the other end and fire is put off by sprinkling water and ash. Rate of shelling and out turn of whole kernels are very high in this method. In this method also CNSL is not recoverable.

iii) Oil bath roasting method: nuts are held in wire trays. They are passed through at a bath of heated CNSL at 190 to 200 degrees Celsius. Nuts take a long time of 1 to 3 minutes for passing through the medium. Cells of shells get ruptured, they release CNSL. Nuts are cooled. 50% of the CNSL is recoverable. Uniform roasting is ensured it eliminates charring of kernels.

2. Shelling:

Breaking roasted nuts to extract kernel is called “shelling”. Nuts are broken with wooden mallet. After cracking, the kernels are extracted with wire needle. Whole and clean kernels are to be extracted care fully. Shelling percentage vary from 15 – 30 percent.

3. Drying:

Extracted kernels are held in wire mesh trays, dried in hot chambers at 80 to 90 °C for 6 – 7 hours to loosen testa.

4. Peeling:

Thin reddish brown or pinkish outer skin of kernel is called testa. Removal of  testa is known as peeling. Peeling is done by hand.

5. Grading:
Nuts are sorted out into different grades such as wholes, splits, brokens  etc. Grading is based on the number of kernels per pound or kg is called count. Kernels are graded as wholes, splits, broken pieces. Grading is also done manually.
There are 25 grades. 
1. 210 count – Zambo wholes (best quality)
240 count 
3. 280 count – American quality
4. 320 count – standard quality 
5. splits 
6. pieces 
7. Baby pieces 
8. Broken bits.

6. Sweating:
The dried kernels are brittle and are liable for breaking. The kernels are conditioned in humid chambes with 80% humidity for 5-6 hours. Humidity is maintained by air coolers. Kernels absorb moisture.

Packing is done by vita pack method. After filling kernels tins are vaccumised and filled with CO2 and sealed. Packed in 4 gallon tins (25 pounds).

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