GPB 243 PYQs

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1)  Define Seed. Describe in detail the Stages/ Classes of Seed Multiplication.

Seed is defined as a nature integument megasporangmm or 

Seed is a mature ovule consisting of an embryonic plant together with a store of food all surrounded by a protective coat. From agricultural point of view, seed is any plant part-which is used for propagation or multiplication eg. true seed, tubers, suckers, bulbs, cuttings, setts, grafts etc.


1. Nucleus Seeds

2. Breeder Seeds

3. Foundation Seeds

Nucleus Seed: Seed of progeny / individual plants take at random from a variety for the purpose of purifying that variety. Strictly examined by sponsoring Breeder.

Breeder Seed: A class of seed in a certification programme directly controlled by the sponsoring breeding institution/ firm/individual which is served as source for multiplication of seed. Golden yellow label

Foundation Seed: - Progeny of breeder seed so handed to maintain specific genetic purity & identity. White label

Certified Seed: - The progeny of foundation seed so handled to maintain satisfactory genetic purity and identity. It refers to seeds that fulfill all requirements for certification provided by the Seed Act and Rule. Blue label

Truthful Seed: The seed which will full fill almost all the requirement of seed but lacking in some quality aspects and sold in the market with truthful label. Green label

2) Define Varietal deterioration. Explain genetic causes of deterioration of improved seeds.

Varietal deterioration: Decline of genetic purity of a variety OR

 Permanent reduction of either in genetic. or agronomic value of variety.

Genetic causes of deterioration,

1. Development variation. ( Explanation is necessary )

2. Mechanical mixture

3. Mutations

4. Natural out crossing

5. Minor genetic variations

6. Selective influence of diseases

7. The techniques of plant breeder

3) Define Seed Certification. Describe Object, Concept & Procedure of Seed certification.

Seed Certification is legally sanctioned system for quality control of seed multiplication and production of seed.

Procedure: involve 6 different steps (Brief description on following points)

1. Registration of seed plot with SSCA

2. Verification of seed source

3. Field inspection to confirm the prescribed field standard

4. Supervision at harvesting and after harvesting.

5. Seed sampling and Testing in Seed Testing Laboratory

6,Tagging and sealing

4) Define Seed technology. Enlist different Branches, Role & Goal of seed technology.

a) Seed technology is the Science which deals with seed production, harvesting, processing, testing, packaging, storing and marketing. 

Concept: Seed is different from grain Le, grain produced for consumption is not seed. Only grain produced for raising a crop would be known as seed. Seed means the seed or any other propagating material used for raising a crop. 

b) Branches: 

1) Seed production 

2) Seed processing 

3) Seed testing 

4) Seed Certification 

5) Seed Biology 

6) Seed storage 

7) Seed marketing 

8) Seed Entomology 

9) Seed Pathology.

e) Goals of Seed Technology-Brief description on following points is necessary.

i) Seed as a carrier of new technologies. 

ii) Seed as a basic tool for secured food supply.

iii) Seed as the principal means to secure crop yield in less favourable production areas. 

iv) Seed as medium for rapid rehabilitation of agriculture in cases of natural disaster.

5) Define Seed Marketing. Describe Marketing Structure & draw a figure illustrating Central Marketing Cell.

Seed marketing includes acquisition and selling of packed seeds, intermediate storage, delivery and safe promotional activities. Seed marketing is one of the most vital components of seed technology. On its depends the size and scope of the seed industry.

6) What is meant by seed processing? Enlist various steps in seed processing & Give its Importance

Drying, cleaning, grading, treating, bagging and storage of the seed, obtained after harvesting and threshing is known as seed processing. In scientific seed processing, the seed is protected from all sources of contamination and identify of the seed lot is maintained during seed processing. So, seed processing is an important segment of seed industry.

Role of seed processing in seed industry:

i) Quality improvement.

ii) Healthy seeds

iii) Store better

iv) Higher yield

v) Low cost of seed production 

vi) Easy mechanical sowing

Various steps in seed processing:

i Receiving seed in seed processing unit

ii. Conditioning or preparing the seed for processing

iii. Seed drying

iv. Seed cleaning

v. Separation and grading

vi. Seed treatment

vii. Seed bagging

viii. Seed storage

7) Define Seed Quality. What are the characters of Good Quality Seeds?

Seed quality - it is measured in terms of genetic purity physical purity germination and Seed health

characteristics of good quality seeds

1) Release variety- Seed should be selected from notified variety duration is suitable for Agro climatic condition

2) Genetic purity- seed should be genetically Pure. It should be true its genotype it should be evenness in growth etc.

3) Good seed health- seed should be free from seed borne diseases and physiological disorder etc.

8) What do you mean by Seed Treatment? Give Methods, Types and Benefits of Seed Treatment.

9) What is Seed Storage & Types of Storage? Give general principles & Factors affecting longevity of seeds in storage.

10) What is Seed Act & its importance? Explain its Applicability, Sanctioning regulations & regulatory legislations.

15) Give long forms of: 1. ISTA, 2. AOSCA, 3. PPVERA, 4. CSCB, 5. NSC, 6. MSSC, 7. NBPGR, 8. ICRISAT, 9. FAO, 10. SSCB.

1.MSSC :Maharashtra State Seed Corporation

2. ISTA :International Seed Testing Association.

3. NSC: National Seeds Corporation.

4. ICAR :Indian Council of Agriculture Research.

5. NBPGR :National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources.

6. FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization.

7. STL :Seed Testing Laboratory.

8. ICRISAT: International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

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