Q.1) What is Extension Education? Explain Objectives & Principles of Extension Education?

Extension education is education for the betterment of people and for changing their behavior i.e. knowledge, skill and attitude 

1. The basic objectives of the extension education are The overall development of the rural people. 
2. To bring about desirable changes in the human behavior, which includes change in knowledge, skill and attitude.
3. The dissemination of useful and practical information relating to Agriculture. 
4. To make the people aware that agriculture is a profit table profession. 
5. To create an environment for rural people so that they can show their talent, leadership and efficiency.
6. To provide appropriate solution of the farmer's problems. 
7. To bring the scientist closer to the farmers.

1. Principle of Interest and Needs:-The rural people should voluntarily participate in the extension work. Extension work must be based on the needs and interests of the people. 
2. Principle of Cultural Difference:-The educational methods should be in line with the culture of the people in order to make extension education effective. Extension work is based on the cultural background of the people with whom the work is done. 
3. Principle of Cultural Change:-To change the behaviors of the people through extension education, 4.Principle of Participation:-The participation of the people is of fundamental importance of the success 5. Principle of Adaptability in the Use of Teaching Methods: People differ from each other, one group differs from another group and conditions also different from place to place.
6. Principle of Organization:- A group of rural people in local community should sponsor extension work the program should fit in with the local conditions 
7. Leadership 
8. The whole-family principle 
9. Satisfaction 
10. Principle of evaluation 
11. Applied of science and democracy 
12. Principle of trained specialists 
13. Co-operation

Q.2) Define program planning and enlist principle and explain two.
Programme is proclamation, prospectus, listing of events to be done in chronological fashion. Planning is designing a course of action to achieve desired ends.
Planning is a process, which involves studying the past, and present in order to forecast the light of that forecast determining the goals to be achieved

1. Programme should be based on felt needs of people. 
2. Objectives of the programme should have clarity and meaning 
3. Programmes should be based on an analysis of the past experience, present situation and future needs. 
4. Programme should have permanence with fexibility. 
5. Has balance with emphasis. 
6. Has defnite plan of work. 
7. Is a continuous process. 
8, Is a teaching process 
9. Is a alco-ordinating process. 
10. Provides for evaluation of results and reconsideration of programmes. 
11. All concerning people must be given a summary of the programme in a written proforma

Q.3) Enlist rural development program and explain two . Give problems and Various Rural Development Programmes.

Rural Development Programs launched by Govt. of India:-
1.Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) 
2. Indira Awas Yojana (IAY). 
3. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 
4. Prime Ministers' Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) 
5. District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) 
6. Integrated Watershed Development Programme (IWDP) 
7. Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Are (PURA) 
8. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (National Credit Fund for Women) 
9.Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) 

1. Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
This programme was launched in April, 1999. This is holistic programme covering all aspects of self employment such as organization of the poor into self help groups, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing. Objective: The objective of SGSY is to provide sustainable income to the rural poor. The programme aims at establishing a large number of microenterprises in the rural areas, based upon the potential of the rural poor. It is envisaged that every family assisted under SGSY will be brought above the poverty-line with in a period of three years. 

2. Watershed Development Programme. (WDP):-Watershed development refers to the conservation regeneration and the judicious use of all the resources natural and human within the watershed area. Watershed Management tries to bring about the best possible balance in the environment between natural resources on the one side and man and animals on the other. State Watershed Programme and Review Committee

3) PURA Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Area 2004 To bring the rural urban divide and achieve balanced 
socio-economic development. 

4) RMK Rashtriya Mahila Kosh –(National Credit Fund for Women) 1993 To assist women in BPL in undertaking
income generating activities through financial package and SHG formation

5) DRDA District Rural Development Agency 1st April,1999 to strengthen and professionalize the DRDAs so that they can effectively enhance the quality of implementation

4) IAY Indira Awas Yojana 1996 Centrally sponsored scheme to provide houses to rural BPL families

1) Most people are illiterate.
2) Inadequate communication channels especially Mass Media in rural areas.
3) Limitation of Funds and staff for training the farmers.
4) As a traditional society with old ways and practices does not want to take risk unless they see the results.
5) In an illiterate traditional society real leadership could not come forward.
6) Poor linkage between the scientist and extension agencies.
7) Organizational constraints
8) Field staffs have inadequate transport and other facilities in rural area.
9) Unexperienced, unskilled staff in extension linkage cannot provide satisfactory help to the rural people.
10) There is no cooperation between different programms.

Q.4) Enlist diffrent agri development program and explain two?

1. Intensive Agricultural District Programme (LADP)

2. Intensive Agricultural Area Programme (IAAP) 

3. High Yielding Varieties Programme (HYVP) (1964-65)

4. Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) (1995-96) 

5. Operational Research Project (ORP)

6. National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP)

7. National Agricultural innovation Project (NAIP) 

8. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)

National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP):- This project was launched by the ICAR on June 30, 1998, with the support of the World Bank to strengthen and complement the existing resources and to argument the output National Agricultural Research System (NARS)-
The major objective of this component is: 
1) To accelerate the fow of technology form research, and extension to farmer. 
2) Improve the dissemination of location specifc and sustainability enhancing technologies. 
3) Decentralize technical and decision making authority to the district level. 
4) Create a more efective and financially sustainable public extension system. 
5) Step up the privatization of certain technology transfer activities...

Intensive Agricultural District Programme (LADP):- It was felt that the increase in agriculture production under the communitydevelopment programme was for less than necessary to feed the rapidly increasing population of this country. To tackle this urgent problem the government in collaboration with Ford Foundation launched the intensive agricultural district programme (1960-61) which is popularly known as the package programme.
1. To increase the income of the cultivator and his family. 
2. To increase the economic resources and potential of the village. 
3. To create employment facilities. 
4. To demonstrate the most effective ways of expansion of the national food. production technology

Q.5) Enlist communication model and explain SMCRE model?

Models of communication:-
1)Aristotle's model. 
2) Shannon- Weaver's model The Shannon-weaver (1949) model is consistent with Aristotle's proposition. 
3) Berlo's model According to Berlo (1960) the model. 
4) Schramm's model According to Schramm (1961) 
5) Leagan's model The communication model forwarded by Leagans (1963). 
6) Rogers and shoemaker's model (1971) 

S-M-C-R-E model, the components of which are 
1. Source 
2. Message 
3. Channel 
4. Receiver 
5. Effects 

Source: Some person/group of persons with a purpose.
Message: The purpose of the source is expressed in this form called message.
Code: System of signals for communication.
Encode: To put the message into code or cipher. 
Encoder: Takes ideas of source and put them in a code; thus, the source's purpose is expressed as message. 
Channel: A medium/ a carrier of message through which signals move. 
Decoder: Converts message in the code into ordinary language which may be easily understood. Receiver: The target of communication.

Q.6) Define news and characters and factors and source
News satisfy this curiosity and this desire for information. People who can read, listen and have information enjoy certain status in our villages. Others look to them as knowing' or informed people and look to them for information 

Sources of News: 
1. Result demonstrations 
2. Research Stations 
3. Research publications 
4. Kisan melas 
5. Farmers felds

Factors determining the news values:-
1. Timeliness. 
2. Proximity. 
3. Magnitude. 
4. Importance 
5. Truthfulness. 
6. Objectivity
7. Names make news
8. Suspense. 
9. Confict: Routine and happiest events may not make news but if any quarrel is there that attracts the readers 
10. Human interest: Readers are attracted by human interest (names of persons and villages)
Characteristics of News: -
i)News has geographical boundaries News is always revealing 
ii) News is what interests people. 
iii). No news interests all people 
iv). Most people read only part of the paper they buy

Q.7) Define innovation and enlist adopted caterogories and explain

Definition: According to Rogers (1983, 1995) the innovation-decision process is the process through which an individual passes from first knowledge of an innovation 
1.Early majority. 
2. Early adopters. 
3. Laggards (traditional)
4. Innovators (Venturesome). They are venturesome and first people to adopt a new idea, much ahead of other members in the community. They are generally very few in number and not more than one or two in a community. They may deviate from the social norm and may be viewed as deviants by others. 

1. Have larger farms 
2. High net worth and risk capital. 
3 Willing to take risks. 
4. Usually not past middle age. 
5. Generally well educated. 
6. Have respect and prestige in progressive communities but not in conservative type of communities5) Late majority (skeptical and later adopters): They are cautious and skeptical, and adopt new ideas just after the average members of the community. They adopt mainly because people have already adopted the innovation and are getting the benefit out of it. 

1. Those in this group have less education and are older than the early majority. 
2. They form the major part of formal organizational membership, although they participate less in such formal groups. 
3. They take fewer leadership roles than the earlier adopters. 
4. They take and read fewer papers, magazines and bulletins, than the early majority. 
5. They do not participate in as many activities outside the community as do people who adopt earlier

Monitoring-Frequent largely routine-wise collection & analysis of& reporting on information about the performance of the work, comparison with plan & discussion about & proposals for any corrective action. Evaluation - It is method of determining how far an activity has progressed & how much further it should be carried to achieve objectives. 

Types of evaluation

A. Based on formalness 
1. Informal 
2. Formal

B. Based on evaluating agency - 
1. Self 
2. Internal 
3. External 

C. Based on time of evaluation -
2. Ex-post

Importance of evaluation 
1.keeping on right tract 
2.Identify need 
3.Gives confidence 
4.Judge the value of methods 
5.Creating public confidence 
6. Helps the extension teaching
7.Helps in choosing the best tools in the teaching plan 
8. Helps in devising new advances programme.

Q.8) What is meant by extension teaching method and classification teaching method?.

A method is a way of doing something, an orderly arrangement of a set of procedures. Thus it involves a sequence of progressive steps in an orderly and logical regularity in order to accomplish some task or purpose. According to Leagans (1961), extension teaching methods are the devices used to create situations in which communication can take place Classification Are follow

According to use teaching methods-
a) Individual contact methods - Farm & home visit, Office call, Telephone call, Personal letter, Result demonstration, Adaptive or minikit trials, Farm clinic 
b) Group contact methods - Method demonstration, Leader trainings, Lecture meetings, Conference & discussion meetings, meetings at Result demonstration, Study tours, Field days
c) Mass contact methods - Bulletin, Leaflets, Newspaper, Circular Letters, Radio, Television, Exhibits, Posters, Campaign, Farmers Rally

B) According to form 
a) Written-Bulletins, Leaflets, News Articles, Personal letters, Circular letters 
b) Spoken Meetings, Farm & home visits, Office calls, Telephone calls, Radio 
c) Visual Result demonstration, Posters, Motion pictures, Charts, Slides 

C) According to Teaching Aids-
a) According to form-
i) Audio - Tape recorder, Radio, Telephone, Public address system, Meetings 
ii) Visual - Flash cards, Black boards, Pictures, OHP. Models, Specimens, 
iii) Audio-visual - Cinema projector, Television, Drama, Puppet show, Video, Talking dolls

D) According to Projection -
 i) Projected Aids - Cinema Projector, Slide Projector

Q.9) Short notes KVK ?

1. The first KVK was established in 1974 at Pondicherry under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. 
2. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), according to Prasad, Choudhary and Nayar (1987), is designed to impart need-based and skill-oriented vocational training to the practicing farmers, in-service field level extension workers, and to those who wish to go in for selfi employment. 
3. The first KVK was established in 1974 at Pondicherry under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. 

The basic concepts of a KVK are- 
1) The center will impart learning through work-experience and, hence, will be concerned with technical literacy,. 
2) The center will impart training only to those extension agents who are already employed or to practicing farmers and fishermen
3) There will be no uniform syllabus for a KVK.

Q.10) Programme Planning Step: And Explain 

(1). Collection of Facts 
(2).Analysis of situation 
(3) Identification of Problem 
(4) Determination of objectives and goals 
(5).Developing plan of work 
(6). Execution of Plan work 
(7). Evaluation of Progress 
(8). Reconsideration and Revision of the programme or

1) Collection of Facts: it is the starting point of programme Planning Process The local situation is the bench mark from where people should start Process of Programme planning. 
2) Analysis of situation: the data and information collected are analyzed in an unbiased way this help in understanding Spruation Proper perspective 
3) Identification of Problem:-A Proper analysis and interpretation the data shall help in correctly identifing the Problems. 
4) Determination of objectives and goals:- objectives are expressions the ends towards which efforts are directed objective meaning. 
5) Developing plan of work: The extension staff lay leaders and appropriate subject matter specialist should be involved development

Q.11) Define Evaluation Give it's Types and Importance. 
Evaluation: thorough examination at specific Points in time of Programmes or Projects Or Part of them Usually with emphasis on impacts in addition efficiency, effectiveness, relevance explicablity and sustainablity

(1).Based on formalness
(a). informal evolution - it is casual everyday evaluation and involves mental assessment on the basis of Simple observation or facts type evaluation lossely done and may be baised 
(b).Formal evaluation :- it is Process of Systematic and unbiased Collection of data and their Scientific appraisal 

(2)  Based on evaluating agency 
(a) Self-evolution: carried out by the worker himself this requires the self- critical attitude Unbianess 
(b) internal carried out by the agency responsible For Planning and implemeation 
(c) External evolution

Importance: -
(1). It helps to identify need for Concentrated efforts 
(2).it gives assurance and Confidence to the person's concerned 
(3). It has a value in creating public confidence by presenting. Facts 
(4).it will help in judging the value of methods or devices used 
(5). It will help in choosing the best tools in the teaching plan 
(6).it helps in devising a new advances Programme 
(7).it will help in desicion

Q.12) Define Agricultural Journalism Write its Scope and Functions. 

Agricultural journalism it is a specialized branch of journalism which deals with the techniques of recieving, writing, editing and reporting from informating through the media like news paper, Radio, tv advertising periodicals etc.

Scope of journalism

Men run for knowledge Men are hungry for the knowledge of past. 
Men seek knowledge for the present.
Modern men are voracious newspaper readers. 
Modern men read periodicals. The spoken word is a factor in mass communication.

Purpose/Functions of journalism 
To inform disseminating news and miscellaneous non- news items Or events of current interest.. 
To influence public opinion formation on socio-political issues. 
To educate changing knowledge, attitude and skill of people in desired manner. To entertain-presenting features, fiction, humor, comics and similar matters.

Q.13) Define education give the types and characters of education 

Education:- It For the rural People out Side the Requairly organized Blossom for the bering out social and cultural development 

1. Informal Education. 
2. Formal Education 
3. Non Formal Education

(1).Informal Education :- It is the lifelong process by which every person acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights from daily experiences and exposure to the environment at home, at work, at play. 
(2). Formal Education:-It is the highly institutionalized, chronologically graded and hierarchically structured 'education system', spanning lower primary school and the upper reaches of the university
(3). Non-Formal Education:- It is an organized, systematic, educational activity carried on outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to particular sub-groups in the population, adults as well as children according to their needs.

1.Deliberate Process 
2. Planned Activity Based on objectives 
3. Education is Influenced by society. 

Q.14) Explain shantiniketan attempt Write down its objectives.

Shantiniketan attemp In 1908. Rabind & anath. Tagore. Started youth. organization in Village kaligram pargang of his zamindagi In 1921, he established a Rural Reconstruction Institute at Shantiniketan. 

1) A group of eight Villages. was centre of the programme 
2) Under this programme. established dairy to supply pure milk & better animals to Farmer Fox breeding & established poultry.

To create a real interest in people For rural welfare work. is to study rural problems of Teanslate conclusion into action w to help Villages develop their resources 
To improve village sanitation

Q.15) Extension Systems in India :-

A). Extension efforts in Pre-independence Era :- 
(1) Sriniketan. 
(2) Marthandam. 
(3) Gurgaon Experiment 
(4) Firka

Development Project

Sriniketan:-Early effort at rural development was initiated by Shri. Rabandranath Tagore in 1908 by establishing youth organization in the Kaligram Progana of his Zamindari, He tried to create a class of functionary workers who could learn to identify themselves with the people(2)

Marthandam :- The work was commenced by Dr. Spencer Hatch an American Agricultural expert in Travancore under the auspicious of young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in 1921. The aim of the project was to bring more abundant life for rural people.

B). Developmental Programmes of Post- independence Era :-

1).Etawah-Pilot Project 
2). Nelokheri Experiment :- 
a).Etawah- Pilot Project: The ideal of this project was conceived and born in 1947. In this project, all round development In the village life, in terms of social, economic, health and hygiene etc. 

b). Nelokheri Experiment: Nelokheri was the part of State of Punjab and witness of displacement and destitution due to partition was started to rehabilitate 7000 displaced persons from Pakistan and later integrated with the 100 surroundings villages.

Q.16) Define Capacity Building and types and give the types of training 

Capacty Buliding:- increase the efficiency And effectiveness of organization.

Training:-is a process of acquisition of new skills, attitudes and Knowledge in the context of preparing for entry into a vocation or improving Ones productivity in an organization or enterprise

Type training: 

1). Pre-service Training: It is a process through which the individuals are Made ready to enter a certain kind professional job, as in agriculture, medicine or engineering. It is a professional training prior to any appointment, oriented to make an individual prepared to enter into a new profession. Swanson (1984) defines it as a programme of training activities that prepares an individual for a career in extension, and usually leads to some

2). In-Service Training: It is meant for in service candidates who are on the Job. To keep up with research by regular meetings between researchers and Extension workers, joint colloquia

Q.17) Principal community development 

1) Activities undertaken must correspond to the basic needs of the Community; the first projects should be initiated in response to the Expressed needs of the people
2) Changed attitudes in people are as important as the material achievements of community projects during the initial stages of development.
3) The identification, encouragement and training of local leadership Should be a basic objective in any programme 
4) To be fully effective, self-help projects for communities require both intensive and extensive assistance by the Government
5) The resources of Voluntary non-governmental organisations should be fully utilised in community development programmes at the local, national and international level 
6) Economic and social progress at the local level necessities parallel development on a wider national scale
7) Greater reliance on the participation of women and youth

Q.18) Define Administration Write its Principal

Management Administration:- Administration is used during policy formulation for developing staff, understanding the planning process, job description, training and evaluation processes 

Principal management. :-
1. Division of work 
2. Authority and Responsibility
3. Discipline 
4. Unity of command
5. Unity of Direction
6. Subordination of Individual to General Interest
7. Remuneration 
8. Centralization 
9. Order
10. Equity
11. Stability of Tenure 
12. Initiative

Q.19) Define Panchayat Raj Explain Three tier and It's function of Panchayat Raj 

Panchayat Raj:- There is something anomalous and contradictory the team democratic of Decentralisation Understood by our People in india at the stance of the prime minister it was decided to give this process the three-tier administration a Strictly Indian name in a family there can be honest differences of opinion 

Panchaft Raj Three tier system:-
1) Gram panchayat 
2) Panchayat Samiti 
3) Zilla Parishad is the :-

Gram panchayat:- it is basic village institute it is formal and democratic Structure at grass root level country 

Function of Grampanchayat :-
1) Representative
2) Regulatory and Administrative 
3) Service or development function

1) Representative:-The sarpanch members and Gramsevak represent the voice and opinion of the bor village people on behalf of the Grampanchyat to the taluka and jilla level attending a meetings or sending the official reports 
2) Regulatory and Administrative:- institute solve the disputes of village People Individual control the behavior of People Collect their opinion about various The measures are enforced for the desired Safety and Sanitation the village people
3) Service or development function: Collection of taxes like house rent Promotion of educational health and Communication facilities Produce authentic documents regarding birth.

Q.20) Define Audio Visual and it's Classification 

Audio-visual:- audio visual aids are instructional devices which are used to Communicate messages more effectively. 

Through Sound and visuals Classification: 
1) Audio Aids 
a) Tape recorder 
b) Public address system 
c) Telephone 

2) Visual Aids 

A). Projected visual aid 
a) Silde 
b) Friistrict 
c) Opaque projection 
d) Overhed projection

B).Non- Projected visual aid 
a) Chalk board 
b) Build in board 
c) Picture and Photograph 
d) Flannel graph. Flash Cord
e) Poster. 
f) Diagram, map, chart, graph 
g) Translide 
h) Model specimen diorama 

3) Audio- Projected visual aids: 
a) Motion picture 
b) Video

4) Non- Audio Projected visual aids 
a) Drama 
b) Peppete show 
c) Talking doll

Q.21) Differentiate between Extension Education and Community Development extension education:-

1.Emphasis on Individual. 
2. Education almed at Individual development to obtain economic and Social Improvement. 
3.It main theme is need of individuals. 
4.Emphasize decision making for change by Individual four familles. 
5.It concentrates more an agricultural production and home economics. 
6.Permits co-operation between departments and agencies. 
7.Extension is an educational asm of goverment.
8.Concentrates more on agricultural production and Home Economics community development.

1. Emphasis on Individual Co-operation. 
2. Education aim at group of individual to work Collectively to obtain economic & Social improvement. 
3. It main. themes is needs of communities. 
4. Emphasize decision making by groups four representative of groups. 
5. It is directly responsible for attacking all elements of human welfare. 
6.forces departments erid agencies to Participate.

Q.22) Definitions

Extension Is an out of school system of education in which adults & young peoples learn by doing.

Education - It is process of bringing desirable changes into the behavior of human being. 

Objectives-Are the expressions of the ends towards which our efforts are direct. 

Principle - Are the fundamental laws, rules, statement of policies to guide decisin & actions in a proper manner. 

Agricultural Extension - It is process of transfer of agricultural technology to bring desirable change in the individual or community. 

Grampanchayat - It is basic & democratic organization and primary unit of local self government.

Rural Development - It is strategy design to improve economic & social life of rural people.

Community Development - Is a process of change from traditional way of living to progressive way of living 

Journalism is a collection and editing of material of current interest for presentation through news media News 

Evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which objectives have been attended 

Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channel overtime among the members of social system 

Communication is the process by which message are transferred from source to receiver Extension Teaching Methods are the device used to create situation in which communication can take place between Instructor and the learner 

Cyber extension:- an information exchange mechanism over Cyber Space, the imaginary space behind The interconncted computer networks through tele communication means 

Management: the process of Planning and organising the resources and activities of a business to achieve specific goals in the most effective and efficient manner

Q.23) Long forms

MAVIM- Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal

IWDP- Watershed Development project

NAIP-National Agricultural Innovation Project

NATP-National Agricultural Technology Project

ICT-Information & Communicational Technology

IADP-Intensive Agriculture District Programme

HYVP-High Yielding Variety Programme 

IRDP-Integrated Rural Development Programme

SGSY-Suvarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

PMRY-Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana

LLP- Lab to Land programme.

KVK: Krishi Vigyan Kendras

TARP- Technology Assessment and Refinement Programme of ICAR.