Q.1) Discuss about the concept of farm mechanization and Give benefits of farms mechanization

Concept of farm mechanization:-

i)Farm mechanization is the application of engineering and technology in agricultural. operations to do a job in a better improve productivity. 

ii)This includes development, & management of all mechanical acids for field production, water control material handling storing & processing. 

iii)Mechanical aids include hand tools animal drawn equipments. power, tillers tactors, oil engines electric motors, processing and hauling equipments.

iv)Farm mechanisation does not means the use of big machines and tractors for firming work only.

v)Mechanization is a reed based process which. provides sufficient time gap for self adjustment of various Inputs without causing sudden impact of Changes.

Benefits of farms mechanization:-
i) Timeliness of operation. 
ii) precision of operation
iii) lmprovement of work environment
iv) Enhancement of Safety
v) Reduction of drudgergr of labour.
vi) Reduction of loss of crops and food products. 
vii) Increased productivity of land 
viii) Increased economic return to firmer. 
ix) Improved dignity of firmer.
X) Progress and prosperitv in rural area.

Q.2) Explain in details about different types of dusters.

1)Plunger type:-
It is a simple duster with small piston. The piston drives a current of year over the dust in the hopper. The dust is carried away through a delivery spout. Small hand pump dusters of this type of suitable only where the area to be dusted is small.

2)Knapsack type dusters is a duster contained power on the back of operator. These dusters are suitable for small areas only, duster have a hopper through which current of air is blown to pick up the dust. The air current to produce by lever operated leather bellows Shoulder snaps or carrying straps are generally provided in such a duster and they can be easily carrying in the field.

3)Rotary duster:- It is a duster with a hand operated rotor in front of the operator. For dusting tall cop these duster are used. Dust is fed from a hopper into a current of our produced by rotary fan.

4)Power operated duster:- Mainly consists a power driven fin, a hopper and a delivery spout. The fan creates strong air flow which causes to dust to a considerable distance vertically or horizontally. The direction of dust is regulated by moveable delivery spout These types of duster are used for lar e area.

Q.3) Define tractor Give different types of tractor.

is a self-propelled power unit having wheels or tract for operating Agril implements & machines including trailers.

Types of tractor:-

A)On the basis of construction:-
1)Riding type tractor. 
2)Working type tractor.

B)On the basis of drive:- 
1)Track type tractors
2)Wheel type tractors:- 
a)Two wheels tractors.
b)Three wheels tractors. 
c)Four wheels tractors.

C)On the basis of utility/ purpose:-
1)All-purpose tractors. 
2)Orchard tractors. 
3)Earth moving tractors

Q.4) Give the comparison between S.l. (Petrol) engine & C.I. (diesel) engine.

1)Diesel engine:-
i) lt has got no carburetor, ignition coil & spark plug.
ii) Its compression ratio varies from 14:1 to 22:1
iii)It uses diesel oil as fuel.
iv) Only air is sucked in cylinder in suction stroke. 
v)It has got fuel injection pump.
vi)Fuel is injected in combustion. chamber & ignited due to heat of compression.
vi) Thermal efficiency 32 to 38%.
vii) Engine weight per hp is high.
viii)Operating cost is low.
ix)Compression pressure inside the cylinder varies from 35 to 45 kg/cm square & temperature 5000C.

2) Spark Ignition Engine:-
i)It has got carburetor, ignition coil and spark plug.
ii)Its compression ratio varies from 5:1 to 8:1.
iii)It uses petrol or power kerosene as fuel.
iv) Mixture of air and fuel is sucked in cylinder in suction stroke.
v) lt has got no fuel injection pump.
vii)Air fuel mixture is compressed in the combustion chamber where ignited by an electric spark
viii)Thermal efficiency 25 to 32%.
ix)Engine weight per hp is low.
x)Operating cost is high.
xi)Compression pressure inside the cylinder varies from 6 to 10 kg/ cm and temperature 260 degree.

Q5.) What are the objectives of tillage.

1)To break the hard pan of soil surface. 
2)To remove the stubbles from the soil. 
3)To prepare the seed bed for crop sowing. 
4)To loose the earth oust. 
5)To make soil more porous.