"Below, you'll find the most probable ECON 242 questions tailored for exam preparation."
Q.1) Define co-operation. Enlist different principles of Co-operation and explain any one of them.
Co-operation - Co-operation is a form of organization in which persons voluntary associate together on the basis of equality for the promotion of their economic interest OR any similar definition.
Principles of Co-operation (Listing)
1. Principle of open and Voluntary membership
2. Principle of democratic control.
3. Principle of service.
4. Principle of self help and mutual help
5. Principle of equal distribution of profit
6. Principle of political and religions neutrality.
7. Principle of education
8. Principle of thrift
9. Principle of publicity
10. Principle of Honorary service
1.Principle of open and voluntary association:
The admission and membership into a co-operative society is open to everybody irrespective of caste, religion, any social and political affiliations. It does not allow any discrimination. The membership is open as well as voluntary. It implies that there is no compulsion exercised on any individual to join the cooperative. Once an individual joins as a member, there is no compulsion on him to continue as such. At any time he has every freedom to withdraw from the society.
2.Principle of Democratic organization:
Co-operatives are organized and managed based on the principle of democracy. Each member is given equal right to vote irrespective of his share capital in the society. “One man one vote” is the important principle of cooperation. The elected board of management will work based on the acts, rules and laws guiding the matters of co- operation.
Q.2) a)Define agricultural finance. Explain the scope and importance of agricultural finance.
b) Write in short about Co-operative movement in pre-independence period in india.
- "Murrey" has defined - it is an economic study of borrowing funds by farmers of the organization and operation of farm lending agencies of soeicty's interest in credit for agriculture.
- "Tondon & Dhondyal" - Agricultural finance as a branch of agril. eonomics which deals with the provision and management of bank services and financial resources related to individual farm units.
- Net present worth (NPW) or net present value (NPV)
1. On the basis of Time of repayment period.
This classification is based on the repayment period of the loan. It is sub-divided in to 3 types
Short–term loans: These loans are to be repaid within a period of 6 to 18 months. All crop loans are said to be short–term loans, but the length of the repayment period varies according to the duration of crop. The farmers require this type of credit to meet the expenses of the ongoing agricultural operations on the farm like sowing, fertilizer application, plant protection measures, payment of wages to casual labourers etc. The borrower is supposed to repay the loan from the sale proceeds of the crops raised.
Medium – term loans: Here the repayment period varies from 18 months to 5 years. These loans are required by the farmers for bringing about some improvements on his farm by way of purchasing implements, electric motors, milch cattle, sheep and goat, etc. The relatively longer period of repayment of these loans is due to their partially-liquidating nature.
Long – term loans: These loans fall due for repayment over a long time ranging from 5 years toa) Simple mortgage:
- In order to fulfill the objectives of the 20 point programme, the first batch of Regional Rural Bank (RRB) was established by the Government on 2nd October 1975.
- The main objective of RRB is to provide credit and other facilities to the small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, artisans and small entrepreneurs. so as to develop agriculture, trade. commerce, industry and other productive activities in rural areas.
- Initially, five RRBS were set up on 2.10.1975 at Moradabad, Gorakhpur (UP). Bhiwani (Haryana). Jaipur (Rajasthan) and Melda (West Bengal). These banks were sponsored by Syndicate Bank. SBI. Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank, United Bank of India, respectively.
- Each RRB had an authorized capital of Rs. 1 crore and paid up capital of Rs. 25 lakh.
- The share capital of RRB is subscribed by the Central Government (50%). State Government (15%) and sponsoring Commercial Bank (35%).
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