Sweet Potato Tree Pests And Management

 Here is the information of pests that affect sweet potato plants:

1. Sweet Potato Weevil:

- Scientific Name: Cylas formicarius

- Family: Brentidae

- Order: Coleoptera

- Damaging Stage: Larvae and adults

- Nature of Damage: The larvae of the sweet potato weevil tunnel into the roots, causing extensive damage. Adults feed on leaves and stems, creating holes and causing general weakening of the plant.

- Oviposition: The female weevils lay eggs on the surface of sweet potato roots or in cracks and crevices.

- Pupation Site: The larvae pupate within the damaged roots or in the soil near the roots.

- Management: Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for sweet potato weevil control include cultural practices (e.g., crop rotation, removing and destroying infested plants), biological control (e.g., introducing beneficial insects), and judicious use of insecticides when necessary.

2. Sweet Potato Leaf-Eating Caterpillar / Sphinx Caterpillar:

- Scientific Name: Agrius convolvuli

- Family: Sphingidae

- Order: Lepidoptera

- Damaging Stage: Larvae

- Nature of Damage: The larvae of the sweet potato leaf-eating caterpillar feed voraciously on sweet potato leaves, resulting in defoliation and reduced plant vigor.

- Oviposition: The female moths lay eggs on the undersides of sweet potato leaves.

- Pupation Site: The larvae pupate in the soil, usually near the base of the host plant.

- Management: Cultural control measures for sweet potato leaf-eating caterpillars involve handpicking and destroying the larvae or using physical barriers to prevent egg-laying. In severe infestations, insecticides can be employed following appropriate guidelines and recommendations.


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