Sweet Orange Cultivation Basics

Botanical name: Citrus sinensis.
Family: Rutaceae
Chromosome number is 2n = 18.

1. Climatic conditions:

Sweet oranges thrive in warm and tropical to subtropical climates, with temperatures ranging between 15°C to 38°C. They require a mild winter with temperatures not dropping below 5°C. Optimum rainfall for growth is between 700 to 1500 mm per year.

2. Soil:

Sweet oranges prefer well-drained loamy soil with a pH range of 6 to 7.5. They do not grow well in waterlogged soils. The soil should be rich in organic matter and free from salinity and alkalinity.

3. Propagation:

Sweet oranges are propagated through budding or grafting on suitable rootstock.

4. Planting:

Sweet oranges are planted in the spring season from February to March. The recommended seed rate is 6-8 seeds per hole, and spacing between the trees should be at least 6 to 8 meters. 

5. Irrigation:

Irrigation should begin immediately after planting and continue at regular intervals depending on the soil and climatic conditions. Frequent irrigation is required during hot and dry weather.

6. Manures and fertilizers:

Sweet oranges require a balanced dose of fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The recommended dose is 400g nitrogen, 250g phosphorus, and 200g potassium per tree per year. Organic manure can also be applied.

7. Training and pruning:

Training and pruning are essential to maintain the shape and size of the tree and to promote fruiting. Pruning should be done during the dormant season by removing dead, diseased, or weak branches.

8. Varieties:

Some popular sweet orange varieties are Valencia, Navel, Hamlin, Pineapple, and Jaffa.

9. Harvesting stage and yield:

Sweet oranges are harvested when they attain full color and size. The average yield of sweet oranges is around 50-60 kg per tree per year.