Pineapple Cultivation Bascis

Botanical name: Ananas comosus
Family: Bromeliaceae
Chromosome numbers of pineapple is 2n=50.

1. Climatic conditions: 

Pineapple grows well in warm and humid climates with temperatures between 20-30°C. It requires an annual rainfall of about 1000-1500 mm and a relative humidity of 70-80%. Pineapple can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions.

2. Soil: 

Pineapple prefers well-drained soils with good organic matter content. The soil pH should be between 4.5-6.5. It is susceptible to waterlogged and heavy clay soils.

3. Propagation: 

Pineapple is propagated vegetatively by using suckers, slips, or crowns. Suckers are shoots that grow from the base of the mother plant, while slips are shoots that arise from the base of the fruit. Crowns are the leafy tops of the fruit.

4. Planting: 

Pineapple can be planted throughout the year but is preferably planted during the monsoon season. The seed rate is around 20,000 plants per hectare. The spacing between plants varies from 30-45 cm, and the rows should be 90-120 cm apart.

5. Irrigation: 

Pineapple requires regular watering, especially during the dry season. Irrigation should be started from the day of sowing and should be done at intervals of 7-10 days.

6. Manures and fertilizers: 

Pineapple requires adequate amounts of nutrients, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Farmyard manure or compost can be applied at the rate of 20-25 tons per hectare. Inorganic fertilizers like urea, superphosphate, and muriate of potash can be applied at the rate of 150-200 kg, 100-150 kg, and 50-75 kg per hectare, respectively.

7. Training and pruning: 

Pineapple requires minimal training and pruning. The plant has a natural tendency to grow upright, and the only pruning required is the removal of dead leaves and flower stalks.

8. Varieties: 

Some popular varieties of pineapple are Queen, Kew, Mauritius, Cayenne, and Smooth Cayenne.

9. Harvesting stage and yield: 

Pineapple is harvested when the fruit is fully matured, which is indicated by a change in color from green to yellow. The yield varies depending on the variety and growing conditions but can range from 25-35 tons per hectare.