Jackfruit Cultivation Basics

Botanical Name: Artocarpus heterophyllus.
Family: Moraceae
The chromosome number of jackfruit is 2n = 56.

1. Climatic Conditions:

 Jackfruit grows best in tropical and subtropical climates with high humidity and rainfall. It requires a temperature range of 25-35°C with a minimum temperature of 10°C.

2. Soil: 

Jackfruit grows well in well-drained soils with a pH range of 5.5-7.0. It can tolerate a wide range of soil types, including sandy loam, laterite, and red soils. It is susceptible to waterlogging and requires good drainage.

3. Propagation: 

Jackfruit can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively by grafting or budding. However, seed propagation is the most common method.

4. Planting: 

Jackfruit seeds should be sown in the nursery beds during the rainy season. The seed rate is around 5-6 kg per hectare. The seedlings should be transplanted in the field after 3-4 months with a spacing of 8-10 meters between the rows and 6-8 meters between the plants.

5. Irrigation: 

The newly planted jackfruit seedlings require regular irrigation from the day of sowing. In general, jackfruit requires moderate to heavy watering.

6. Manures and Fertilizers: 

Jackfruit requires regular application of manures and fertilizers to maintain its growth and yield. The recommended NPK dose for mature trees is 400g N, 200g P2O5, and 500g K2O per tree per year.

7. Training and Pruning: 

Jackfruit trees require training and pruning to develop a strong framework and maintain a desirable shape. Pruning is usually done during the dormant season to remove dead or diseased branches and promote new growth.

8. Varieties: 

Some popular varieties of jackfruit include Black Gold, NS1, Arka Anandan, Arka Kiran, and Arka Champa.

9. Maturity Indices: 

Jackfruit reaches maturity in 4-5 years from planting. The fruit is considered mature when the skin color changes from green to yellowish-brown, and the spines on the fruit start to soften.

10. Harvesting Stage and Yield: 

Jackfruit is harvested when it reaches maturity. The fruit should be cut from the tree with a sharp knife, leaving a short stem. The average yield of jackfruit varies from 10-20 tonnes per hectare per year, depending on the variety and management practices.