Cultivation Of Mustard

 Botanical Name: Brassica juncea
Chromosome Number: 2n = 36


Rabi mustard, also known as Indian mustard, is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region or Western Asia.

Geographical Distribution: 

Rabi mustard is widely cultivated in India, especially in the northern and central parts. It is also grown in other countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and parts of China.

Economic Importance: 

Rabi mustard is an important oilseed crop and is primarily cultivated for its oil-rich seeds. The oil extracted from mustard seeds is used in cooking, as a condiment, and for various industrial purposes. Mustard leaves are also consumed as a leafy vegetable in some regions.

Soil and Climatic Requirements: 

Rabi mustard prefers well-drained soils with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. It can tolerate a wide range of soils, including sandy, loamy, and clayey soils. The crop thrives in a cool and moist climate. The temperature range of 15-25°C is considered ideal for its growth.

Seed Rate: 

The recommended seed rate for rabi mustard is around 5 to 6 kg per hectare.


The optimum spacing between rows should be about 30 to 45 cm, while the spacing between plants within a row should be around 10 to 15 cm.

Seed Treatment: 

Seeds can be treated with a fungicide to protect against seed-borne diseases before sowing. This helps ensure better germination and early establishment of the crop.


Some popular varieties of rabi mustard include Varuna, Pusa Bold, Varuna Mustard 25, RLM 619, and RH 819.

Cultural Practices: 

Rabi mustard is sown during the winter season, usually from October to December. The land should be thoroughly prepared by plowing and harrowing. The seeds are sown by broadcasting or by using a seed drill. After sowing, the field should be irrigated to ensure proper germination. Regular weeding and thinning of plants are necessary to maintain adequate spacing and control weed competition. The crop requires irrigation during dry spells. It is also advisable to apply fertilizers based on soil testing to meet the nutrient requirements.


The average yield of rabi mustard can vary depending on several factors, including variety, management practices, and environmental conditions. On average, the yield can range from 800 to 1,200 kg per hectare. However, with proper management, higher yields can be achieved.
