Coffee Tree Pests And Management

 Here are some common pests that affect coffee trees, along with their scientific names, family, order, damaging stage, nature of damage, oviposition, pupation site, and management strategies:

1. Coffee Seed Borer:

- Scientific Name: Hypothenemus hampei

- Family: Curculionidae

- Order: Coleoptera (beetles)

- Damaging Stage: Larval stage

- Nature of Damage: The larvae bore into the coffee seeds, feeding on the endosperm and reducing the quality and yield of the beans.

- Oviposition: The female beetles lay their eggs on the coffee berries.

- Pupation Site: The larvae pupate within the damaged coffee beans.

- Management: Effective management strategies include cultural practices like regular pruning, harvesting ripe berries promptly, and proper sanitation to remove infested berries. Biological control using parasitoid wasps and fungi like Beauveria bassiana can also be employed. Insecticide application may be necessary in severe infestations.

2. Coffee Berry Borer:

- Scientific Name: Hypothenemus hampei (same as coffee seed borer)

- Family: Curculionidae

- Order: Coleoptera (beetles)

- Damaging Stage: Larval stage

- Nature of Damage: The larvae of coffee berry borer also bore into the coffee berries, feeding on the coffee bean, reducing the quality and yield.

- Oviposition: The female beetles lay their eggs inside the coffee berries.

- Pupation Site: The larvae pupate within the coffee berries.

- Management: Similar management strategies are applied as for the coffee seed borer. Proper farm hygiene, harvesting and processing practices, and integrated pest management approaches are essential to control the coffee berry borer.

Note: The coffee seed borer and coffee berry borer have the same scientific name (Hypothenemus hampei) but are referred to by different names depending on the specific context. Both pests belong to the same family and order.
