Cashew Cultivation Basics

Botanical Name: Anacardium occidentale
Family: Anacardiaceae
The chromosome number of cashew is 2n=30.

1. Climatic Conditions: 

Cashew can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It requires a hot and humid climate with a temperature range of 20°C to 35°C. Cashew is also tolerant to drought conditions, but it requires a minimum rainfall of 700 mm per year.

2. Soil: 

Cashew can grow well in well-drained soils with a pH range of 4.5 to 6.5. It can also tolerate soils with a high level of salinity and alkalinity. However, it is susceptible to waterlogging and soil erosion.

3. Propagation: 

Cashew can be propagated through seeds or vegetative means. However, vegetative propagation through grafting or budding is preferred to ensure uniformity in yield and quality.

4. Planting: 

Cashew is planted during the pre-monsoon season, i.e., February to March or during the monsoon season, i.e., July to August. The seed rate is 8 to 10 kg per hectare, and the spacing between the plants should be 8 to 10 meters.

5. Irrigation: 

Cashew requires regular irrigation from the day of sowing until the establishment of plants. After that, it can be irrigated as per the requirement.

6. Manures and Fertilizers: 

Cashew requires a balanced dose of NPK fertilizers. The recommended dose is 200-250 kg of NPK per hectare. Organic manures like farmyard manure or compost can also be applied.

7. Training and Pruning: 

Cashew plants require regular pruning to maintain the shape of the plant and to facilitate better fruiting. The plants should be trained to a vase shape with a clear central stem.

8. Varieties: 

Some popular cashew varieties are Vengurla, BPP-7, BPP-15, and Goa-1.

9. Maturity Indices: 

Cashew fruits mature in 2-3 months after flowering. The maturity indices are the change in color of the peduncle from green to pink or red, and the appearance of the corky layer around the nut.

10. Harvesting Stage and Yield: 

Cashew nuts are harvested when the fruit is mature, and the nuts are fully developed. The yield of cashew varies depending on the variety, soil, climate, and management practices. On average, it ranges from 1000 to 2000 kg per hectare.