Ber Tree Pests And Management

Here are some common pests that affect trees, along with their scientific names, family, order, damaging stage, nature of damage, oviposition behavior, pupation site, and management strategies:

1. Ber Fruit Borer:

- Scientific Name: Meridarchis scyrodes

- Family: Noctuidae

- Order: Lepidoptera

- Damaging Stage: Larvae

- Nature of Damage: Larvae bore into fruits, causing extensive damage to the pulp.

- Oviposition: Eggs are laid on the fruit surface.

- Pupation Site: Larvae pupate inside the fruit or in nearby soil.

- Management: Cultural practices such as proper sanitation, pruning infected branches, and removing fallen fruits. Biological control agents like parasitic wasps can also be used.

2. Ber Fruit Fly:

- Scientific Name: Carpomya vesuviana

- Family: Tephritidae

- Order: Diptera

- Damaging Stage: Larvae

- Nature of Damage: Larvae feed on the pulp of the fruit, causing rot and premature fruit drop.

- Oviposition: Female flies lay eggs inside the fruit.

- Pupation Site: Larvae pupate in the soil.

- Management: Removing infested fruits and practicing proper sanitation to prevent larvae from pupating in the soil. Bagging fruits with protective covers can also help reduce infestation


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