Papaya Cultivation Basics

Botanical name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae
Chromosome number: 2n = 18

1. Climatic conditions: 

Papaya requires a warm and humid climate for optimal growth. The ideal temperature range for papaya cultivation is between 20-33°C. Papaya can be grown at an altitude of up to 1200 meters. Frost-free and well-drained areas are preferred for papaya cultivation.

2. soil: 

Papaya can grow in various types of soil, but it prefers well-drained sandy loam with a pH range of 6.0 to 7. Soil with good organic matter content and good water holding capacity is suitable for papaya cultivation. It is susceptible to waterlogged, saline, or alkaline soils.

3. Propagation: 

Papaya can be propagated by seeds or vegetative methods like stem cuttings or budding. Seed propagation is the most common method used for papaya cultivation.

4. Planting: 

Papaya seeds are sown directly in the field. The ideal time for sowing is from January to March. The recommended seed rate is 250-300g per hectare. The spacing between plants should be 2.4x2.4 meters in both directions.

5. Irrigation: 

Irrigation should be provided immediately after sowing the seeds. After that, regular irrigation should be given in every 8-10 days in winter, 6 days in summer by  ring system 

6. Manures and fertilizers: 

Papaya responds well to the application of organic manures and fertilizers. FYM 40kg per plant per year. The recommended dose of NPK fertilizer is 100:25:25g per plant per year. The manures and fertilizers should be applied in split doses.

7. Training and pruning: 

Papaya plants require minimal training and pruning. Removal of dead and diseased branches and thinning of excessive growth is recommended for better fruit quality.

8. Varieties: 

Some popular papaya varieties are Red Lady, Solo, Sunrise, Tainung-1, and Pusa Dwarf.

9. Harvesting stage and yield: 

Papaya fruits are harvested when fruit turns slightly yellow in color. The yield of papaya depends on various factors like variety, climate, soil, and management practices. On average, papaya plants yield around 30-40 tonnes per ha.